There is a lot to consider when determining what retirement living option is best for your loved one. We have created some tools and blog articles to assist you while researching next steps.
Senior living myths debunked: Getting to the root of “I’m not ready yet”
Change is difficult for many people. Despite burdensome home maintenance, poor eating habits, isolation or the worry about who to call in an emergency, some older adults respond negatively when family members broach the subject of retirement home living. To assist in the conversation, here are some of the most common objections and how Seasons …
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Seniors and garden fatigue: Bridge the gap with a rental town home
We welcome the idea of spring with open arms, especially after a long brutal winter, but for some, the idea of readying the yard and garden can feel overwhelming. It takes a great deal of work to care and fertilize the lawn, prepare the flower beds, bring the patio furniture out from storage, clear or …
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The senior driving dilemma
Age alone does not determine if a person is a safe driver. Many older adults are able to make safe driving decisions and remain confident on the road for years. But we change as we age and sometimes our health will impact our ability to continue driving safely. The Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT), …
Long-term care versus retirement communities
As you begin your search for senior living options you might wonder, ‘what is the difference between Long Term Care and retirement communities?’ Retirement communities Simply put, the difference is mere verbiage. A retirement residence is typically an independent living community that offers care, meals, housekeeping services and activities. This should not be confused with …
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