Click the Company tab for Seasons COVID-19 information. Read our most recent update.

Mar 14 Update from our COO: Seasons Lethbridge Gardens

Hello everyone,

Yesterday evening Alberta Health Services (AHS) declared Seasons Lethbridge Gardens in outbreak status.  At this time we continue to have just one confirmed resident case.

Additionally, AHS advised that a Homecare Aid who had performed care services in our community has tested positive for COVID-19.  We are working collaboratively with AHS to identify residents who were exposed, and they will be tested either tomorrow or Thursday of this week.  As soon as we have test results we will be sure to communicate them to you.

As I noted yesterday, we are asking all residents to isolate themselves in the comfort of their suites and to remain on our premises, leaving for essential medical reasons only.  Residents will receive their twice-daily temperature and wellness checks, activities and meals to their suites.  If you require groceries, we encourage you to have them delivered and we will bring them to your suite.

We will be limiting visitors to only those Essential Designated Caregivers who provide medical care support to their loved ones.  Those visitors will need to wear a surgical mask and eye protection while in our home.  Any requests for access to the home by an Essential Designated Caregiver will need to be requested and approved in advance by Seasons Lethbridge Gardens and Communicable Disease Control (CDC).

As general visits will not be permitted during this time, we encourage you to keep in touch with your loved one via phone, text or email. Our team members are more than happy to discuss alternative options to connect with your loved ones.

At this time, we are advising all staff to go to a local testing centre to be tested.  Please reference this outbreak number:  2021-2677.  All team members are asked to self-assess for COVID-19 symptoms and exposure risk using our screening tool before reporting to a site for their shift.  Anyone with symptoms is required to self-isolate as directed by CDC.

The health and safety of our staff and residents is our greatest priority, and we will work closely with CDC and AHS to manage this situation.   We commit to being transparent with staff, residents and families as things progress.


LeighAnne Voll
Chief Operating Officer,
Seasons Retirement Communities

For additional online resources for COVID-19 you can visit the following sites:

Canada Health
Alberta Health
Alberta Health Services
Public Health Ontario
Retirement Home Regulatory Authority