Click the Company tab for Seasons COVID-19 information. Read our most recent update.

Jan 3 Update from our COO: Seasons Amherstburg

Hello everyone,

I am writing to confirm that Seasons Amherstburg was placed into outbreak status late this afternoon by the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit.

As per my earlier memo, we have one COVID-19 positive team member. In an effort to be proactive, we started contact tracing efforts. We have alerted those who were in close contact with this individual, and have isolated residents who may be affected. Visits will not be permitted during this time. Any requests for access to the home by an Essential Designated Caregiver will need to be requested and approved in advance by Seasons Amherstburg and Public Health.

Please rest assured that the health and safety of all our staff and residents remain our greatest priority. We will have more information following our meeting with Public Health tomorrow. We will be transparent and continue to update you as this situation progresses.


LeighAnne Voll
Chief Operating Officer,
Seasons Retirement Communities

For additional online resources for COVID-19 you can visit the following sites:

Canada Health
Alberta Health
Alberta Health Services
Public Health Ontario
Retirement Home Regulatory Authority