Dec 29 Update from our COO: Covid-19 Vaccinations
Hello everyone,
I hope you were all able to enjoy a safe, healthy Christmas. Thank you to our staff, residents and families who followed all protocols in order to help us keep COVID-19 out of our residences. We know it is difficult to be apart from our loved ones during the holidays and we appreciate the sacrifice.
I would like to update you on the four outbreaks we are currently dealing with. For our staff, residents and families at Seasons Camrose, Seasons Wetaskiwin, Seasons Olds and Seasons St. Thomas, please refer to your site-specific updates and communication for current outbreak protocols and restrictions in place at your homes.
Let me start with some good news; the outbreak at Seasons Dufferin Centre in Trenton, Ontario was rescinded on December 23, 2020.
Seasons Camrose in Alberta has one positive staff case. Prevalence testing among residents yielded negative results. We hope this outbreak will be rescinded next week.
Seasons St. Thomas in Ontario had a total of two staff cases; currently, one staff member is positive and the other is considered resolved by local Public Health. Resident testing also yielded negative results and we hope to be out of outbreak next week.
Seasons Olds in Alberta has one positive resident case. Prevalence testing among residents yielded negative results.
Similarly, at Seasons Wetaskiwin in Alberta, we have one positive resident case. Prevalence testing among residents yielded negative results.
Both Ontario and Alberta are in the midst of provincial lockdowns. We continue to ask all residents to adhere to the following protocols:
- Self-isolate for 14 days if you did not follow provincial requests to remain on-site, instead choosing to visit with friends and/or family at another household, especially where infection prevention and control protocols were not followed
- Wear a mask continuously when you are not in your suite
- Practice good hand hygiene and physical distancing
- If you feel unwell, report it immediately to a Seasons Team Member
We continue to ask all Designated Visitors to:
- Not visit a Seasons Community for 14 days if you visited with family and/or friends from another household within the last week
- Wear a mask continuously while visiting a Seasons resident (this means not eating or drinking while you are visiting)
- Practice good hand hygiene and physical distancing
- If, after your visit, you become symptomatic or are notified that you had close contact with a COVID-19 positive individual, please contact Seasons immediately
We continue to ask all team members to:
- Refrain from visiting with friends and/or family that are not in your household
- Practice all infection prevention and control (IPAC) protocols
Just before Christmas, Seasons communities were contacted by their Local Public Health Units (LPHU) and/or Alberta Health Services (AHS) regarding team member vaccinations. Several homes have been invited to receive staff vaccinations including:
- Seasons Amherstburg, ON
- Seasons Belle River, ON
- Seasons Royal Oak Village, ON
- Seasons Strathroy, ON
- Seasons Milton, ON
- Seasons Olds, AB
- Seasons Olds Encore, AB
- Seasons Camrose, AB
Some regions will allow us to add a Designated Family/Support Person/Caregiver to our vaccination lists. Should this be the case for the Seasons location where your loved one resides, we will reach out to you about your interest in participating. Just a reminder that team members and Designated Family/Support Person/Caregivers will have to go to an established vaccination site to receive their vaccine.
With the Health Canada approval of the Moderna vaccine last week, LPHU and/or AHS will be coordinating resident vaccinations onsite, shortly. In the coming days, Seasons will begin seeking doctor’s orders and consent from physicians, residents and/or substitute decision-makers, on behalf of residents. LPHU and AHS have informed Seasons that team members and Designated Family/Support Person/Caregivers will not be included in the Moderna vaccinations.
This is great progress and gives us hope for the future. In the meantime, we must remain vigilant. Thank you to our dedicated team members for the important work you do to keep our residents, and one another safe. Thank you to our residents and their families for your cooperation and understanding. Whether you work or live at Seasons, please rest assured the health and safety of our staff and residents remain our number one priority.
My next general update will come in the New Year. On behalf of the Seasons Executive Team, I wish all you good health and happiness in 2021.
LeighAnne Voll
Chief Operating Officer,
Seasons Retirement Communities
For additional online resources for COVID-19 you can visit the following sites:
Canada Health
Alberta Health
Alberta Health Services
Public Health Ontario
Retirement Home Regulatory Authority