Click the Company tab for Seasons COVID-19 information. Read our most recent update.

Current COVID-19 Precautionary Protocols at Seasons

At the outset of the COVID-19 situation in Canada, Seasons Retirement Communities implemented heightened precautionary protocols in all of our homes.  We continue to follow the advice of provincial and federal governments, our sector regulators, and local Public Health agencies.

This document is meant to act as a reference for the current precautionary protocols at Seasons.  Please note that this list is not exhaustive and it does not reflect the heightened safety protocols we would implement in a home in outbreak or suspected outbreak status.  As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve we may need to add or change our policies. We will continue to advise residents and families of these changes as quickly as possible.

As of April 6, 2020, these are the precautionary protocols we presently have in place in both our Ontario and Alberta retirement communities:

Active screening for all staff, essential visitors, and vendor partners who enter Seasons including the completion of health screening checklists, taking temperatures, and declaring recent travel information. Anyone who is exhibiting symptoms suggestive of flu or COVID-19, or who has been in contact with a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19 will not be permitted to enter.

Use of masks and PPE. In an outbreak situation, masks and PPE are required as per our infection control policy and directives from Public Health. Additionally, in all homes regardless of outbreak status, staff will be continuously masking.  Residents will be provided with surgical masks when leaving the premises for medical appointments, and are requested to wear masks indoors, whenever they leave their suites.

Enhanced cleaning routines including infection control protocols for increased cleaning of high touch point areas. Hand sanitizer is readily available in key amenity areas and additional information shared with staff and residents on how to personally help prevent the spread of the virus.

Practicing physical distancing, proper hand hygiene and cohorting.  We are serving all meals in our dining rooms, with few exceptions.  Tables have been spaced out to accommodate physical distancing, and only two residents dine at a table at one time.  Dining sittings have been adjusted to ensure residents from the same floor or area in our homes eat at the same time, in an effort to cohort for contact tracing purposes.  Residents are provided with hand sanitizer before and after enjoying their meals.  Buffets have been suspended and meals are served a la carte. When organized activities are permitted, they are enjoyed with similar protocols as at dining times, and group sizes reflective of provincial guidelines. See below for more details in Ontario.

Resident health and wellness. We conduct a wellness check of all residents twice daily, including temperature checks.  Snacks are delivered via room service and medications are delivered either in-suite or at dining times, as needed.

The Corporate Infection Control Committee (CICC) plans for every stage of a potential outbreak and provides regular communication to all stakeholders.


As you know, the provincial government announced a province-wide shutdown effective Saturday, April 3 at 12:01 a.m. for at least four weeks. The current COVID-19 Response Framework (colour zones) will be paused when this comes into effect. Retirement homes must adhere to the policies and procedures under the ‘Grey (Lockdown) or Shutdown’ column in the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority (RHRA) ‘s Scenario Matrix on their website.


We continue to use the Risk Assessment tool to guide protocols and restrictions in our retirement homes in Alberta. If there is transmission of COVID-19 in the local community, that will indicate a greater risk to our residents and therefore we will be firm in enforcing safety protocols. For an update on the status in Alberta, you can visit their website.

Thank you to our residents and their families for the trust you have placed in Seasons and your ongoing patience and cooperation.