Click the Company tab for Seasons COVID-19 information. Read our most recent update.

Feb 17 Update from our COO: Seasons Clarington IL Outbreak Declared Over

Hello everyone,

I have good news to share: This afternoon, Durham Region Health Unit declared the outbreak over on the Independent Living (IL) side of our residence. We remain in outbreak status on Memory Lane, our secure Memory Care area.

This means that our IL residents are no longer required to isolate themselves in their suites, and lunch will resume in the dining room tomorrow.

While this is good progress, we are not finished fighting COVID-19 at Seasons Clarington. A reminder to all residents to please practice good hand hygiene, physical distancing and to wear a mask whenever you are outside of your private suite.

Also, Bowmanville remains in a Red Zone due to the community spread of the virus. Only essential trips outside of our residence are permitted. General visitors are still not allowed as per the Retirement Home Regulatory Authority (RHRA) scenario matrix. For more details on visits and absences, you can
speak with a Seasons Team Member or you can visit their website.

The health and safety of our staff and residents are our greatest priority. Thank you all for your continued cooperation. Please maintain your vigilance.


LeighAnne Voll
Chief Operating Officer,
Seasons Retirement Communities

For additional online resources for COVID-19 you can visit the following sites:

Canada Health
Alberta Health
Alberta Health Services
Public Health Ontario
Retirement Home Regulatory Authority